Monday, December 17, 2007

Phone History

At this time, communication moved or mobile communication to trend
and the lifestyle that increasingly was enjoyed

Moreover in many countries like Indonesia, Japan and Finland, the
mobile phone customer far more many of the customers telephoned
the house (fixed telephone).
In one country, there were many competing cellular operators
each other gave the best service, considering the profit that was
tempting from this business.
For instance Indonesia had Telkomsel and Indosat that had
platform technology 2G, and recently emerged the operator
with the that is Telcom Flexi,Esia and Fren/Mobile 8.
The Japanese country with NTTDoCoMo beforehand has used
technology 3G was compared by the Asian country other.
The policy of the Japanese government of changing from 2G to
3G becauseof the requirement for the market that increasingly
Moreover, technology 3G could satisfy this requirement.
For a moment.
What 2G and 3G?Communication technology moved, in for in
several generations,that is the first Generation or 1G was first
mobile phone technologythat used the analogous system, for
example to be Advanced Mobile Phone System) in the USA
and TACS (The Total of Access Communication Service)
in Europe.
This first generation used the communication technique
acknowledged as Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA).
This technique enabled to divide the allocation of the frequency
to a cell to be used respectively the customer on this cell, into
parts so as each customer when carrying out discussions had
the frequency personally.

This technology began to be used in 1970 that was preceeded
with the use of the microprocessor for communication technology.
And during 1971, the network of the first mobile phone was opened
Finland named ARP. Menyusul afterwards NMT in Scandinavia
during 1981 and AMPS during 1983.
The use of analogous technology in the first generation caused
many limitations that were owned like the small traffic capacity,
the number of customers who could be accommodated in one
cell a little,and the use of the spectrum of the wasteful frequency.
On the other hand, the increase in the number of customers
could not be accommodated by the first generation.
Moreover, technology 1G only could serve voice communication,
unlike 2G that could be used for SMS. NMT or Nordic
The GSM history was preceeded with the holding of
the postal conference and telegraf in
Europe during 1982.
This conference formed some study group that was named
Groupe Special Mobile (GSM) to study and develop
the system of the public's communication in
During 1989, this task was handed over to European
Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI) and
GSM the I phase was launched by mid 1991.
During 1993, has had 36 GSM networks in 22 countries.
The GSM uniqueness compared to the first generation
was the service of SMS. SMS or Short Message Service
was the service of two directions to send the
short message totalling 160 characters.
GSM that at this time was used has entered the phase 2.
After 2G, was born the generation 2,5 G that was
the version better than the second generation.
The generation 2.5 this had the transfer capacity
of the faster data.
That was famous from this generation was
GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) and EDGE.
Baru-baru Ini, tren cellular communication began to be
switching to the following generation that diprediksikan
will become promising cellular communication technology.
The generation 3 or 3G was newest technology in
the cellular world.
This generation was more known with the UMTS term
(Universal Mobile Telecommunication System) or WCDMA
(Wideband - Coded Division Multiple Access).
This newest generation surplus was located in the speed
of the transfer of the data that reached 384 Kbps outside
the room and 2 Mbps for the application indoor.
Moreover, this generation could provide the multimedia service
like the internet, the video streaming, the video telephony,
et cetera better.
This third generation used CDMA technology that initially
emerged from
United States military technology and was
set aside in the standard Is-95.
Several patents in available networks now that was based
in CDMA technology was owned by Qualcomm Inc.,
so as the manufacturer of equipment paid royalties.
CDMA technology made the capacity of a cell become
bigger compared to the GSM system because in the CDMA system,
each communication call had certain codes so as to enable many
customersto use the source of radio that was same without
the occurrence of the disturbance of the interference and cross talc.

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